Turning The Page Now

Find out where Turning the Page is Located


M-F: 8am – 4:30pm


PO Box 251

5444 S. 108th Street

Hales Corners, WI 53130



(262) 330-1300

Faq – coming soon

Why choose Turning The Page over the program you have been using?

Look at the numbers, look at the experience, look at the results.   As persons in recovery with a passion for healthy connection, positive action and successful recovery, we set the bar.

What does evidence informed mean?

Evidence-informed practice means using evidence to design, implement and improve our programs and interventions.  Turning The Page uses data to constantly improve and is working towards evidence based accreditation.

How much does it cost?

Because TTP is State Licensed, we can accept State and Federal grant money, however we realize this money comes with strings and may not last forever… Because of this we are creating cost effective content schools want to pay for and can afford!

Why does this program work?

Because this is about healthy connection and starting the conversation, keeping it going as well as supporting it with resources.

How much time does it take to set up a school?

Most schools start with a 30 minute zoom meeting to understand more.  From there, we usually spend 1 to 2 days with the students and setting up the schools with Small Talks and VCNC numbers.

Why is Turning The Page For Profit?

At turning the page we aim to bring the most updated, cost effective programs to the schools.  We do this by not having all the restrictions from goverment oversite or from a Boards of Directors.  Both Jake and Doug have had experience in building both non-profits and for-profits, we know which one gets results faster.  Prevention has been done by non-profits with funding limitations for decades, time to cut the strings!

State License



PO Box 251

5444 S. 108th Street,  Hales Corners, WI 53130




VCNC  (414) 330-1300

To Book a Date  (262) 290-1072